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World Pigeon Breeds Genus Names
1- Mardin ( Turkish Pigeon )
2- Macedonian Turbit
3- Magpie ( Pigeon )
4- Majorcan Bort Runt
5- Majorcan Esbart Roller
6- Maltese güvercini
7- Marchenero Pouter
8- Mariola ( Pigeon )
9- Markische Magpie Tumbler
10- Martham ( Pigeon )
11- Memel Highflier
12- Mesawed Egyptian Swift
13- Micholaiyvski Shield Tumbler
14- Miniature American Crested
15- Modena ( Pigeon )
16- Modern Show Flight
17- Modern Spanish Thief Pouter
18- Mookee
19- Montauben
20- Moravian White Head
21- Morrillero Alicantino Pouter
22- Moroncelo Pouter
23- Moscat
24- Moscovite Tumbler
25- Moulter
26- Muffed helmet
27- Munsterland Field Pigeon
28- Modhumoti ( Pigeon )
Pigeons can be trained for a trainable poultry house. They can fly and come back. Pigeons can be different as races. Some pigeon breeds fly away in the distance, some pigeon breeds fly at close distance, some pigeon breeds mannequins are so visually beautiful and do not fly very well. It is possible to find a pigeon race for every purpose. There are many pigeons throughout the world and each one has a different characteristic. At we will recognize these breeds and various animals.