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Sultan Parrot Live Camera

Sultan Parrot Live Camera

Sultan Parrot Live Camera

Sultan parrot is here with live camera. You will watch sultan parrot with live camera. You can follow the life of the same cage life with different birds such as 24 hours a day live camera, eating water and drinking water.

It was first discovered in Australia in 1770, and is the smallest bird in the parrot family. They are also cute and smart pets. Moreover, they are very high society. They can imitate your voice. You can move happily on your shoulder or your finger. What more do you get! In this article we will provide you with a satisfying guide of the Sultan's parrot from its purchase to training.

Sultan Parrot Cage

Sultan parrot's cage should be purchased considering the needs of the bird. The length, width and depth of the cage should never be less than 50 centimeters, but better if it is larger. The spacing of the cage wires should not be more than 20 millimeters. Since this bird likes to climb into a cage, it's better to have the horizontal strings.
Stainless steel cages are recommended. Zinc and lead are poisonous for the Sultan's parrot. Therefore, the cage should not contain these materials. Before mentioning its care, the smoke of your Teflon kitchenware can also be fatal for your bird.

The Sultan and Other Needs

The Sultan parrot food should be nutritious. To understand that it is good quality and nutritious, you can try to take a portion of the feeds and germinate as bean sprouts in primary school. If less than 70% are germinated, you should try a new feed.
Apart from feed, there is a list of basic needs as in other bird species. Place a water container and two feed containers in the cage. You can put one of the feed containers (which you tested as above) as dry feed and the other as fruit or boiled peas. A skirt is also required in the cage against the possibility of baiting. They also have thin branches and palm strips for those who like to chew.
Put a lot of perches in the cage. These birds like to climb because the roosters will like a lot of them. But you will notice that you will choose one, especially the house, and sleep on it. You can also put toys that you can play. If you change toys occasionally, you can prevent the bird from getting bored.

Sultan's Parrot Care

We assume that you read enough resources to care for the Sultan's parrot and talk to other breeders. First of all, when you bring the bird home, give it a process. You can get used to it every few hours, every few days. Spend time with it as much as possible and do not neglect the regular cage cleaning.
Take care of healthy nutrition. Apart from feed you can also give fruit, vegetables, well cooked legumes and spaghetti. Take care to ensure that they are as organic as possible and that fruit and vegetables are well washed. Never give them avocado, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, onions, mushrooms, tomato leaves, caffeinated beverages or uncooked legumes; because they are poisonous to them. Very sugary and fatty foods are also unhealthy. Remove the decaying, dried fruit vegetables from the cage so that the bacteria grow on them. Always keep the water clean and prefer drinking water.
Look for information about what could be a symptom of the disease, and when you see one of these, take the path of the veterinarian. Every veterinarian doesn't look at poultry. That's why you should know the vet beforehand.

Sultan's Parrot Training

The education of the Sultan Parrot requires time and patience. You need to tame him before he starts training. Talk to her, make small treats. Get used to eating slowly from your hand. In a week or two you will get used to your new home. Please note that even pets can peck you. Especially close to your eyes.
If you're looking for a talking bird, the men of the parrot are recommended. Teach your bird to whistle after talking first. The other way is more difficult, but it is actually more difficult. Talk to him often and repeat the words you want him to learn. (Lendir Pretty bird ikçe may be limited to budgies.) Reward the more you learn new words. You can teach whistling in the same way.

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