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Japans are a variety of color varieties, which is one of the old Japanese breeds. Particularly when the long tails standing upright towards the men creates beautiful image, very little part of the legs appears because they cover the wings with short legs. Men have steep and large wings. In females, the bite is small. Japans are active hens.

COUNTRY: Japan 1603
COLOR: White-Black-Yellow-Black Tailed White
ANNUAL EGGS: 100-160 Pieces

There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.

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