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Ayam Cemani Chicken
Ayam Cemani, the breed of chicken from Indonesia. The most important feature is that the color is completely black. Not only the hair, but also the flesh and bone are black.The average weight of the adults of this chicken is 2 kilograms, while the roosters are about 2.5 to 3 kilos. It yields 70-90 eggs per year. Nowadays, it has started to spread in various countries except Indonesia. It is a rare race.
The origin of this chicken race is based on Indonesia. It is the homeland of the Cemani village of Sura Karta, Java Island of Indonesia. The name is also taken from this village. The biggest feature of Ayam Cemani chickens is their completely black color. Nowadays, it has started to spread in various countries besides Indonesia. The feather colors and flesh of these hens are black in color. Especially in Indonesia, especially in various Asian countries, it is possible to find the products of this chicken in the markets. The taste is almost the same as normal chickens.
Ayam Cemani chickens are seen in different regions in Asia but one of the rare chicken breeds. Its beak, hair, feathers, skin, bones, feet are black. The weight of an adult Ayam Cemani chicken is 2 kilograms and the roosters are about 2.5-3 kilograms. It produces approximately 70-90 eggs per year.
Especially in India, this chicken race is considered sacred. In this way, a belief is common in almost all countries. This race is believed to have mystical characteristics and is used in some religious ceremonies. It is also used in alternative medicine in China for various purposes.
The reason why these chickens are so dark is the excessive pigmentation of the tissues due to a genetic disease known as fibromelanosis. This also occurs in some other black chicken breeds. The eggs are cream colored with a light pink hue. The eggs have an average weight of about 45 grams.
These chicken breeds are very rare in our country. Prices are very high in our country and in the world because of their rarity. An adult Ayam Cemani chicken is approximately 2000-2500 dollars.
There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.