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White Denizli

White Denizli

White Denizli Chicken

ANNUAL EGG: 120 - 140


Denizli roosters are our indigenous breed that goes abroad with its long and beautiful singing in harmony with its color and body structure. Although it does not have much knowledge about its history, it is a local race that has survived to the present day as a result of the attention of the people in this region to the long-booed roosters.


Chickens are black color. During the first 1-1,5 months after hatching, they gradually shed their feathers. It has winged ends and breasts. After about fifteen days of being in this state, they start to grow again. Pull out the tail feathers at the latest. After the feather, the new hairs are colored and the black ones become the chicken.


Average live weight is 2-2,5 kğ. The average annual egg production is around 90-130. The age of ovulation is about six months. Eggs are 55-60 grams in medium size. Body color is black. Sometimes the neck shows a shaggy color with a partial dirty white mixture. Eyes are black and should last. The legs are gray.


Eyes are black and should last. Legs are dark gray, neck long, earbuds are in red or black and white is mixed. The average live weight is about -3.5 kk. Excess capabilities are high.


According to A-Colors: According to the color of the body Pekmez kefi, Demirkır, Pamukkır, Al, Fur is divided into 5 types. The white color of Pamukkır is higher than that of demirkır. In molasses, there are brown, dark yellow feathers in the wings and back waist. Al rooster looks like a classic cock. The black hairs behind the neck of the furry types are arranged in regular order and give the appearance of fur. However, fur color is not encountered.


According to the tone: Thin, Thick and Davud are three types.According to clarity:Clear voice: The type of sound that is desirable.Sad sound: sadness is felt as if coming out of Ney. It is rare.Wavy sound: also called wry sound Wavy.Squeal sound: The sound starts.The last two are not acceptable.

They are divided into two as liar and principal.The false ejaculation is the cut-and-cut.The main call is the expression of the whole talent.Main Bump: It is divided into four according to the body position at the moment of self.Leo Ötüş: The head and neck are slightly above. Neck feathers swell up like a lion.Wolf's Death: The head and neck are fully extended. As the tail side will sit, it approaches the ground.Yigit Ötüşü: Does not disturb normal posture. It raises his chest. Stretches his head slightly forward. It sounds comfortable.Hummingbird: The rooster takes a situation like lying down. The beloved is not the song.

The start and end of the singing is also important in the case of ego. At the beginning, the tempo of the call should be gradually accelerated, and at the end the tempo should be lowered and not cut off. Such roosters are said to be good and well-received between growers. Shopping is more important than the length of voice in a place. In the first year, the length of excitation is about 20 seconds. This period is increasing in the second and third years.The appearance of Denizli rooster should be vivid, legs high, neck long and strong, chest wide and deep, tail straight and inclined towards the head.

They are a native egg-meat breed grown around the Denizli and Muğla provinces, and are known for their long curves. The genus reaches late maturity. Late hair growth of chicks makes it difficult to maintain. Their neck is quite long, body is large-looking. Body hairs are white from the neck to the back and tail, white with the tail, and black on the wings. The animals of Denizli breed have difficulty in adapting to the changes in temperature and humidity, especially when they are removed from the environment. It is known that the breeding value of the cocks of Denizli, which are taken to damp places, decreased and their cues were shortened. However, no significant difference was found in the poultry production station in Sinop. Average live weights are 3.5-4.0 in chickens and 2.7-3.2 kg in chickens. The annual egg yields are 80-100. In the study carried out in Sinop, the egg yields at the 52th week were 105.55, the average egg weight was 44.0 g, the adult live weight was determined as 2420 g in roosters and 1914 g in chickens.

The Denizli breed has five varieties of iron, cotton, Pekmez kef, wine and black, which have a variety of feather colors, which are common in all varieties, with a white bow, black beak and dark gray leg color. its distinctive feature is the presence of a black ring around its eyes, which is called den vernier. ası Its skin, ears and egg shell colors are white.

There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.

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