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Lakenvelders Chicken
The Lakenvelder chicken breed is a breed of German origin.The Lakenvelder chicken breed is a bit difficult to buy because the Lakenvelder chicken breed is a race that is in danger of extinction.It was recorded for the first time in the 17th century.In the 19th century, the Lakenvelder chicken race started to spreadToday, the Lakenvelder chicken race is cultivated in many countries of the world.The most distinctive feature of the Lakenvelder chicken race is that the black and tail are black and the rest of the trunk is white until the throat is white.
Appearance Features
Black and white is a colorful raceThe area around the ram, the Eye and the Beak is redTails and head are black in colorThe body is partial whiteThe ear lobes are completely whiteIt's a chicken breed, small and coarseLegs are hairlessIts beak is strong and small.Has long tail structureStrong and large wing structure
Yield Features
Live Weight Cock: 2 - 2,5 kg
Live Weight Chicken: 1,4 - 2 kg
Number of Eggs: 140 - 180 Grains (Per Year)
Egg Color: White
Egg Weight: 45 - 50 grams
Special Features
Their flying ability is quite advanced 1 - 2 meters can flyTrees and bait in the soil that is a breed that loves to find and eat insectsIt is a fast developing breed, especially its chicks.Feeding outdoors is ideal for both breeder and Lakenvelder chicken breed
There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.