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Royal Palm Turkey
Royal palm turkey has been developed in America. Black and white has eye-catching colors in black-and-white colors and a strip-shaped line in the tailThis is an ornamental animal of the breed of turkey has been made in the meat is also fed, but a little more weight than the other turkeys. males 10 kg females are between 7 kg. They like to feed the garden and outdoor areas, as well as the worm insect grasshopper in the garden or outdoorsthey feed on animals, as well as green grains next to granulated feeds are the food they like, 20-30 eggs per day, the incubation period is 28 days.
There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.