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Sebright Chicken
Characteristics of Sebright chickens
Sebright chickens' feathers are gold, silver and yellow. The incubation period is 21 days. The most efficient period of taking eggs is March, April, May, June, July and August. These animals spawn an egg laying around 80 to 100 eggs and the color of these eggs is cream.The average weight of a Sebright male chicken is 700 g, while the female Sebright chicken weighs an average of 600 g. These chickens have no trotters, and their hoofs are in the form of a rose-eagle. When the animals are 0 - 2 months old, chick feed is mixed with broiler and broiler chicken for 2 - 4 month period. 4 AY post, ie brood chicken feed in breeding rotation, wheat, barley, corn Also places green weed to reduce the citrate.
There are chicken breeds with different breeds and characteristics throughout the world. These types of chickens vary according to climatic conditions. Egg yield egg color reproduction conditions have differences such as habitats. site, we do research on all these world chicken breeds and share with you. While some chickens make white eggs, some of them can make different color eggs like red, green, blue and black. You can write us on and inform us about different chicken breeds.